Wednesday, October 26, 2011

So, what is an old lady like me doing up at 3 am?  Ha. I just finished my outline for my English paper for today.  It is a paper that will cover the use of therapy dogs and service dogs for autistic children.  I am enjoying writing it.

Today, I was supposed to go into the salon to be available for massages.  However, I had no clients and have been feeling extremely tired lately - so I took the day off.  I took my daughter and her youngest 2 children to breakfast.  Then we went to get Nate his shoes.  (This is a grandmom's delight)

While at breakfast, Nate was getting squirmy - so I filled a tiny creamer cup with coffee and added more cream.  He enjoyed drinking it and looked so cute with his special, tiny cup.  Nate is 4 yrs. old. 

Gracie is about 6 mos, and she entertained me by eating asparagus and baked beans. She gets so animated when she eats. At one point, she was twirling the asparagus stick in her mouth. Hilarious.

I wasn't kidding about being tired today.  I even left my purse at my daughter's house.  When I went back to get it, I got to see the three older grandsons. Sammy had a spot of bad behavior and it hurt me to see this.  Usually, he is a happy kid.  His older brother had to deal with him, and it made me sad. It's possible his blood sugar was a little low.  He brightened up when supper came on the table.  He even helped set the table!

I am thankful that our Sammy has the family he does.  God knew what he was doing placing that boy! My daughter and son-in-law advocate for their child.  Sammy is high functioning and seems 'normal' most of the time.  He has tantrums and meltdowns at things that a non-autistic child would take in stride.  His parents are consistent, loving, and very patient.  My daughter cooks everything from scratch, follows the Feingold diet, and keeps Sammy gluten-free.  A beautiful loaf of gluten-free bread was on the counter.  Sammy proudly told me about it.   (I sometimes pity the wives these boys may someday have...LOL)

And so, I fell asleep watching "Perry Mason" and feeling just 'all in'.  I woke up a few minutes ago and put my outline together in about 1/2 hr. The mind is a surprising thing.  I guess it was on my 'back burner' , because it came out smoothly. to get a few more zzzzs.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I enjoyed being at church today.  I'm one of those Catholics who goes to church because she wants to, not because she has to. I get a whole hour to pray with no interruptions, and some lovely music to sing. I enjoy my visit with Jesus.  Every week I realize that  I need to have more time set aside for prayer on a daily basis.  Maybe this is the week I can begin to do this. 

I also know I need to exercise more.  This morning, early, I actually did a 15 minute 'fast walk' in the neighborhood.  So, things are looking up.  I have some exercise planned for tomorrow, too. 

Last night, I performed with my folclórico group and really enjoyed myself.  I love these folks.  One of the gals is going to help me with my presentation for my Portuguese class.  I am going to explain the traditional costume and the dances.  For extra credit, I will sing one of the tunes and play guitar. 

For now, though, I need to get cracking on the books.  I have an exam in Portuguese, and lots of work in English, and some in French. 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Busy Me

Well, I work more than one job.  I am a licensed massage therapist and I have a small business out of a nearby salon.  Because the economy is not great around here, I also have to work as a salesperson selling large appliances on commission.  Between the two jobs--it's not so bad money-wise. 

In addition to those jobs, I also study at the local university.  Because I take 3 courses, English, French, and Portuguese, I can get the student health insurance.  Very nice.  But believe me - it's another job.  I am enjoying myself, but it leaves me little time for much else. 

For fun, I perform with a Madeiran Folclórico group.  I wear the costume from Camacha and play guitar with the musicians.  The dancers perform traditional dances to the music.  We are based out of New Bedford, MA.  You can google Grupo Folclórico Madeirense and find lots of info.  Fun times. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

This is a poem for my 7 yr. old grandson, Sammy.  He has Autism, and some days are rough for him.
Missing Piece

The symbol for Autism is a puzzle piece,

As if something's missing, something's missing.

No connection, communication -

Stranger in a strange land.

But in my heart there's a piece to place,

And nothing's missing, nothing's missing.

Not when I see your sweet face -

Come, take my hand.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

greetings fellow web travelers!

Ok. So how many of you remember the Rolling Stones hit "Dandelion?"  You know, the song you cranked up as you drove down the highway?  I loved the guitar work of Brian Jones and felt very sad when he passed.  Of course, I also loved the Beatles.  George Harrison was my favorite, and I actually cried when he died.  Music makes an impact.  Then followed Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Peter Paul and Mary, and I learned to sing and play guitar along with them.  Then Tryworks, a local church-run coffeehouse, came along.

The coffeehouse was run by a lovely woman from Belfast, Ireland and she hosted many performers from the British Isles.  The folk scene was alive and well in the 70s and I flew along with it.  The local university also had Ceilidhs (Kay-lees).  We got to hear such talents as Joe Heaney, The Boys of the Lough, Normand Kennedy, Jean Redpath, and my favorite, Liam O'Flynn.  The first time I heard the Irish pipe music - I could barely breath.  It is so beautiful. Those were very happy times. I never felt the need for drugs while I had this beautiful music all around.

I met my present husband at Tryworks.  However, we married about 15 yrs later! Ha!   I had two children from a previous marriage, a boy and a girl, and we had a son together.  It was his first marriage, and my daughter told him, "Now you have a fun life." And so we do.