Saturday, December 24, 2011

Last night I had our family Christmas gathering, because I had to work at Sears this morning.  It was lots of fun.  We had wonderful food and drinks.  But the best part was watching the grandkids open their presents.  My sister gave the two youngest grandsons Superman and Batman pyjamas.  They couldn't wait to put them on and they actually Danced around in them.  Nate is 4 and Sam is 7.  Dancing, happy boys...I loved it.  They wanted to watch one of the videos I gave them... and we all sat and enjoyed "Planet 51."  The two older boys seemed pleased with their presents, too.  And little Gracie, at 7 months loved the food, the paper and the lights!  My neice gave her a sooooffft little polar bear and she kept patting it.  So cute.

Now Sammy has autism, and he is on some medicine for his croup.  The medicine is not agreeing with his autism.  But he was sooo good.  He was sooo happy. I'll take it.   And he loved the Star Wars Lego Wii game I got him.  Actually, it is for All the kids to play.  (But Sammy just Loves Star Wars)

This morning, I worked at Sears.  When the husband picked me up, I asked to go for a ride to a nearby town. Tiverton Four Corners has the cutest crafty sort of shops.  We would take the kids there when they were small.  It felt nice to be with my husband, but the warm memories of when the kids were small echoed all around me.

I am glad that I enjoyed those years with my children.  I can never get those days back.  Sometimes, I wish I could relive them.  But those beautiful memories are mine and I will never forget them. 

I am so proud of my grown children.  They are very nice people.  I feel blessed to have been a part of their young lives and hope to be around to watch them evolve and grow. 

The fun part is being a grandma...really.  I would be sad about growing older, but I have these dancing boys and a little girl and two teenagers that fill my heart, too.  So my adventure is not over yet.

Friday, December 16, 2011

So today, I had an adventure.  I went to the salon and gave massages.  The last one was for my hairdresser who trades with me. We left the salon and got into our cars, but hers would not start.  OOPs no gas.  No gas can, either.  So, I took her to Walmart and got a gas can. Next, we pump gas into the gas can, with difficulty.  Next, we drive back to the car and try to pour the gas from the can into the tank.  Turns out it is a 'mission impossible' gas can, and we have to figure out how to work the nozzle.  After many 'fancy words', we finally get enough gas in the car to drive down the street to put more gas in the tank.  It was kind of funny in an "I Love Lucy" kind of way.  It was fun to help my friend.  Sometimes these goofy things happen in life.  And you just have to grin and bear it...hopefully with a friend! to which I say, yeehaw!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

So today, the repairman came to fix my washing machine.  Luckily the part was in warranty ,and I only had to pay for the labor.  Much cheaper than buying something comparable. 

My oldest son made my day today.  When I was younger, I did a lot of singing and playing guitar.  I played lots of Irish tunes, which were great for one voice and one guitar.  (and sometimes just the voice)  Anyway, he told me he'd had a rough night at work, and when he turned on his ipod "Follow Me Up To Carlow" came on.  It reminded him of the times when I would sing to him and his sister (the youngest was not born yet).  That memory cheered him up. 

I guess it is important for your children to see you enjoying yourself.  You need to let them know you enjoy having them and that they are special to you.  And let them see you having fun!  Include them if you can!

Here in New England we have a strong work ethic.  It is an admirable thing.  However, we also need to have a Fun ethic.  It is healthy to have wholesome outlets that you can share and enjoy either alone, as a couple, or as a family.

I still enjoy my guitar when I play with the Grupo Folclórico Madeirense.  My daughter and I sing at the family Mass once a month. 

Yes, I think sometimes people overlook the importance of having fun.

People ask me why I am taking courses at the University.  Well, the answer is simple:  I have always wanted to study languages.  For me, learning is fun.  I have met some great people, and have stretched my mind out of its comfort zone.  It's a good thing.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

So, after 20 years of living in my home and making those home improvements ever so slowly...we are thinking of moving out of our city.  I'd love to be able to find a place in my hometown.  It is just a bit quieter there, and it would be closer to my daughter and her family. 

Unfortunately this means I am going to have to begin to get rid of 20 yrs of Stuff.  I am going room by room and looking at things with a ruthless eye. 

Today, I spent time searching for the cheapest houses.  sigh.  Well, I'd like to just buy one outright, sell this one, and then pocket the profits.  We are going to talk to a  couple of realtors. 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Well, today, after church, my husband of 27 yrs and I had breakfast at a little place in Mattapoisett.  On the way home, we stopped to get a wreath to hang on the door.  I also got a poster board and some permanent magic markers.  I made a sign that reads..."Jesus is the reason for the season...merry Christmas".  It looks really cute.  Now, I hope that doesn't offend anyone, but it is how I celebrate the season.  For me, Jesus is the reason...for many things.  So the wreath hangs above the sign on the door and it looks great. 

I worked at Sears and my feet are so sore and tired.  When I came in the door, my husband had lit the pellet stove and plugged in the Christmas tree. sigh. so nice. I need to study some homework, but I am soo tired.  Really, I am just going to have some tea.

While at breakfast, I ran into my English teacher.  She is so nice and a wonderful teacher.  I learned alot in her class.  Definitely moved out of my comfort zone.  But now I'm too tired to work on anything.

Working retail during the Holidays will make you brain dead. Ha.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My daughter is an amazing mom.  Her five children get nutritious Feingold diet approved meals and treats.  She cooks and bakes from scratch.  I have even learned a few kitchen tricks from her.  It is so nice.

Her eldest son has Asperger's Syndrome, which means he has trouble reading other's responses and is sometimes very literal.  The next in line was born prematurely and he had many health issues growing up.  God blessed the older one with a gentle, loving disposition and with some intervention, he is doing very well and you don't notice the Asperger's much at all.  The next in line has a feisty, little rooster kind of personality.  This has been a blessing, because it has helped him fight those health issues and develop into the bright, social, and strong young man that he is. 

The third son has Autism and behavior issues because of it.  On the one hand, God has blessed him with strength and beauty, but the Autism makes his life difficult.  On a good day, Sammy is loving, funny and smart.  On a bad day, he is angry and has trouble controlling his impulses. With intervention at home and at school, he is making improvements.  After Sammy, comes Nate, who is Mr. Entertainer.  He will be the child in all of the school plays and performances.  Slightly hyper, they now want to have him evaluated for developmental issues.  Sigh, Sigh, and more Sighs.  He does not have any learning issues that I can see.  He just seems to be a bit overly energized sometimes.  But I feel for him and my daughter and what these evaluations may turn up.  But I am absolutely confident that my daughter will make the best decisions for our loving, beautiful Nate. 

Last but not least is Grace Clotilde.  She is happy, beautiful, and loved by her whole family.  She brings out the best in her brothers.  She has no development issues and although she loves to eat, she is correctly proportioned in height and weight.  I think she may have said my 7 months, and it made me burst!

My prayers for these children never cease.  I pray that God will bless them and guide them on the correct path and help them to grow in love, health, and spirit.  Please Lord, keep your hand of protection on my family, from the oldest to the youngest.  Amen.

Monday, November 28, 2011

So, I am still hoarse and feeling run down.  Feeling like this increases my level of anxiety.  Yuck.  I am trying to create a calm space in the day where I can think of all the positive things in my life.  I have three wonderful children.  My oldest son is always there when I need him to help me with moving something heavy, or he lets us use his truck when we need to.  My daughter lets us share her five wonderful children and I am so proud of the wonderful person she is.  My youngest son is a sweet, caring soul.   In addition, my daughter is married to a very good man.  My youngest son is engaged to a lovely, young lady.  I know my oldest will find someone special, too.

Finding someone special.  I guess I have been very lucky in my marriage.  For 27 yrs., my husband and I have made time to enjoy life.  We have never had much money, but we never let that stop us.  My husband knows how to be a good friend, and I truly value that. I think it is what sparks and energizes our relationship. 

See, now, I am not feeling so bad.  Postitive thinking is good for the health.  Now if I can just get my voice back!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Remember that song "Runnin' on Empty..." ??  yeah, well, that's me lately.  I don't do well with hectic.  I need space to breathe and I haven't had much of that.  It has been very busy at school with English paper due and Portuguese Presentation due, and French Quizes... yikes.  I've done fairly well, but wish I could have put more time into some of the work.  Sometimes I wonder... why am I doing this? 

Benefits: a. I've always wanted to study languages b. it's free tuition for me.  So, I am enjoying it, but I have very little free time. 

Time.  I don't like to think of it as running out, but it will someday.  For all of us. So, it is important to spend your time wisely. 

My cousin posted a clip of Amalia Rodrigues singing a Fado and it tore my heart out.  That is what singing is all about, my friends.  If you are not singing with your heart and from your gut, then you are not singing!

Hearing that clip brought back so many memories, especially of my dad playing the Portuguese guitarra and singing in his wonderful voice.  He could sing many fados, and he could also make up verses on the spot... Fun.

My Madeiran friends in the Folclórico group can do this extemporaneous singing and it is just great. 

Today I am very hoarse and I Hate to lose my voice.  I find it very depressing. I went to Mass and could not sing along.  bummer. But my good friend sat behind me and I could enjoy her angelic voice.  Made me smile, in spite of feeling a bit down.

I think I just need to get some rest. So bye for now!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

stay at home momma/grandma

Ya know, I really loved being a stay-at-home mom. I had a freedom while the kids were in school to get stuff done.  It was great.  Of course, I had no extra money.  The pluses were that I could help my parents with their errands and enjoy their company.  I could also go shopping with my good friend and help her with her purchases.  It was more a socializing time for me rather than actual shopping.  But those sure were fun times.  It was so nice when the kids all came home and filled the house with life.

Now I am working 2 jobs, part time.  I also sell Avon, so that must count, too.  Of course, there are my 3 classes at our local college.  Although that is challenging and fun, it is like another job. 

In a perfect world, I would work as a massag therapist and also continue the classes.  I'd certainly have more breathing room.  I am so pleased to have tomorrow, a Sunday, off.  Yeehaw.  At least my salesperson job is flexible. 

So, now that I am home from my salesperson job, I am going to make a nice mug of tea and work on some homework.  Bye all...

Friday, November 4, 2011

Howdy do...

It's been awhile since I've posted.  Schoolwork, and my work as a massage therapist, and also a salesperson have kept me spinningly busy.

Oh, I wish my house were nice and straightened.  I just made pasta con brocolli and have not yet put the pans in the dishwasher.  It was a long day. I had school in the morning, then work at the salon.  I have the nicest clients!  I love giving massage. It is my joy.

I have some projects to work on.  I have a presentation to do for my Portuguese class.  Fun. Hopefully, this weekend will give me the time to work on it.  I also have an important research paper to work on for English.  French class remains project-less at the moment. 

I love the fall.  I love the way the sunlight glints on the trees.  Many of them have lost their leaves, but they still look beautiful.  As busy as I am, I try to appreciate the natural beauty of my little spot on Earth.   New England has a unique charm.  Changing cloud scapes, water that sometimes is my very favorite shade of blue, houses that were gracefully built by long-ago craftsmen all add up to a satisfying vista.  It spells home to me. 

I have lived on the West Coast, and though it had its charms, it never had my heart.  I can remember coming home and breathing a sigh of relief.  I love my little down at the heels city.  It's comfortable. It's familiar. It's home.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

So, what is an old lady like me doing up at 3 am?  Ha. I just finished my outline for my English paper for today.  It is a paper that will cover the use of therapy dogs and service dogs for autistic children.  I am enjoying writing it.

Today, I was supposed to go into the salon to be available for massages.  However, I had no clients and have been feeling extremely tired lately - so I took the day off.  I took my daughter and her youngest 2 children to breakfast.  Then we went to get Nate his shoes.  (This is a grandmom's delight)

While at breakfast, Nate was getting squirmy - so I filled a tiny creamer cup with coffee and added more cream.  He enjoyed drinking it and looked so cute with his special, tiny cup.  Nate is 4 yrs. old. 

Gracie is about 6 mos, and she entertained me by eating asparagus and baked beans. She gets so animated when she eats. At one point, she was twirling the asparagus stick in her mouth. Hilarious.

I wasn't kidding about being tired today.  I even left my purse at my daughter's house.  When I went back to get it, I got to see the three older grandsons. Sammy had a spot of bad behavior and it hurt me to see this.  Usually, he is a happy kid.  His older brother had to deal with him, and it made me sad. It's possible his blood sugar was a little low.  He brightened up when supper came on the table.  He even helped set the table!

I am thankful that our Sammy has the family he does.  God knew what he was doing placing that boy! My daughter and son-in-law advocate for their child.  Sammy is high functioning and seems 'normal' most of the time.  He has tantrums and meltdowns at things that a non-autistic child would take in stride.  His parents are consistent, loving, and very patient.  My daughter cooks everything from scratch, follows the Feingold diet, and keeps Sammy gluten-free.  A beautiful loaf of gluten-free bread was on the counter.  Sammy proudly told me about it.   (I sometimes pity the wives these boys may someday have...LOL)

And so, I fell asleep watching "Perry Mason" and feeling just 'all in'.  I woke up a few minutes ago and put my outline together in about 1/2 hr. The mind is a surprising thing.  I guess it was on my 'back burner' , because it came out smoothly. to get a few more zzzzs.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I enjoyed being at church today.  I'm one of those Catholics who goes to church because she wants to, not because she has to. I get a whole hour to pray with no interruptions, and some lovely music to sing. I enjoy my visit with Jesus.  Every week I realize that  I need to have more time set aside for prayer on a daily basis.  Maybe this is the week I can begin to do this. 

I also know I need to exercise more.  This morning, early, I actually did a 15 minute 'fast walk' in the neighborhood.  So, things are looking up.  I have some exercise planned for tomorrow, too. 

Last night, I performed with my folclórico group and really enjoyed myself.  I love these folks.  One of the gals is going to help me with my presentation for my Portuguese class.  I am going to explain the traditional costume and the dances.  For extra credit, I will sing one of the tunes and play guitar. 

For now, though, I need to get cracking on the books.  I have an exam in Portuguese, and lots of work in English, and some in French. 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Busy Me

Well, I work more than one job.  I am a licensed massage therapist and I have a small business out of a nearby salon.  Because the economy is not great around here, I also have to work as a salesperson selling large appliances on commission.  Between the two jobs--it's not so bad money-wise. 

In addition to those jobs, I also study at the local university.  Because I take 3 courses, English, French, and Portuguese, I can get the student health insurance.  Very nice.  But believe me - it's another job.  I am enjoying myself, but it leaves me little time for much else. 

For fun, I perform with a Madeiran Folclórico group.  I wear the costume from Camacha and play guitar with the musicians.  The dancers perform traditional dances to the music.  We are based out of New Bedford, MA.  You can google Grupo Folclórico Madeirense and find lots of info.  Fun times. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

This is a poem for my 7 yr. old grandson, Sammy.  He has Autism, and some days are rough for him.
Missing Piece

The symbol for Autism is a puzzle piece,

As if something's missing, something's missing.

No connection, communication -

Stranger in a strange land.

But in my heart there's a piece to place,

And nothing's missing, nothing's missing.

Not when I see your sweet face -

Come, take my hand.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

greetings fellow web travelers!

Ok. So how many of you remember the Rolling Stones hit "Dandelion?"  You know, the song you cranked up as you drove down the highway?  I loved the guitar work of Brian Jones and felt very sad when he passed.  Of course, I also loved the Beatles.  George Harrison was my favorite, and I actually cried when he died.  Music makes an impact.  Then followed Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Peter Paul and Mary, and I learned to sing and play guitar along with them.  Then Tryworks, a local church-run coffeehouse, came along.

The coffeehouse was run by a lovely woman from Belfast, Ireland and she hosted many performers from the British Isles.  The folk scene was alive and well in the 70s and I flew along with it.  The local university also had Ceilidhs (Kay-lees).  We got to hear such talents as Joe Heaney, The Boys of the Lough, Normand Kennedy, Jean Redpath, and my favorite, Liam O'Flynn.  The first time I heard the Irish pipe music - I could barely breath.  It is so beautiful. Those were very happy times. I never felt the need for drugs while I had this beautiful music all around.

I met my present husband at Tryworks.  However, we married about 15 yrs later! Ha!   I had two children from a previous marriage, a boy and a girl, and we had a son together.  It was his first marriage, and my daughter told him, "Now you have a fun life." And so we do.